
Moving forward, on Fridays you will have the opportunity to meet with the other members of your house to engage in some semi-structured connection and conversation. What you do with this time is relatively open, but there are LOTS of ideas in this document that can help guide you in your pursuits!

Note: Below are the breakout rooms that already exist in the House Zoom account and a list of how they can be used during Friday House Time. Please feel free to reach out to Paige if you’d like to see additional breakout rooms in the future, and continue to read this document for even more specific ideas!

Establishing Group Norms & a Plan

You might start your time together in the first week by establishing some norms of how you want to engage in the space and deciding on what you’d like each week moving forward to look like.

Some norms to start with might be:

Please discuss any additional norms you would like to set as a group!

You might also want to decide on what the next few weeks will look like for your house. Do you want to focus on Professional Development this week and Team Building next week? Or Technical Learning this week and Self Care next? Take a look at this document for lots of ideas and then make a plan that works for your group!

Group Discussion (Themes & Activities)

Each week if your Houses can and should look a little bit different. Here are some ideas of activities that may guide you, but the sky is the limit and you are welcome to come up with other ideas too!

Start with an Icebreaker

Here is a list of some random icebreaker questions, but feel free to come up with your own too! Ice breakers are a great way to get everyone loosened up and talking and ready for bigger group discussions!

Technical Activities